As Inigo Montoya says so aptly in the movie The Princess Bride "Let me explain... wait there is too much, let me sum up", well that is what I am about to do right now. I thought it would be fun to put together a few facts about all that happened on my trip now that I'm back and am in need of blog material.
In terms of being on the road, let's just say it's been one big journey with nary a place to call home. Many times my bed changed night to night, and other times I was stationary for up to 3 weeks (Melbourne). Either way, the distance and time clocked in as...

Consecutive days of travel: 92
Pictures taken: 3,052 (avg. 33 per day)Time spent on airplanes: 59 hours
Time spent waiting in airports: 24 hoursKilometres traveled: 49,365 km
Circumference of the earth: 40,075 kmSpot where I was farthest from home: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia at 16,280 km away
Time zones adapted to: 8 zonesNights in a hostel: 19 (the rest I was lucky enough to have friends to stay with)
Hours spent on the road driving in a car/van: 40 hoursHours spent on the water in ferries/ships/boats: 78 hours

I went for 12 amazing runs in 6 different towns/cities: Bondi Beach walkway, Melbourne Wattle Park, Christchurch Botanic Gardens, Rotorua hot springs, Whitianga beach, and the Brisbane riverside. My favourites were probably Bondi and the Rotorua run.
A lot of time was spent walking on trails and going for hikes in parks and through towns. The best hikes were in The Blue Mountains in Katoomba, Australia and Abel Tasman National Park in New Zealand to name a few; and I walked around all the cities I stayed in, probably walking at least 2 hours on average each time I went somewhere new.
The people I met made up 99% of my trip... in fact the number of new friends I traveled with for one night or more was around 15+ ... so that's basically 15 strangers who ended up being close traveling companions. We all agreed that fate had a hand in many if not all of those encounters.
Traveling for 92 days would require many to pack for at least one third of that. However, I was able to survive with my small pack and few belongings.

Backpack weight at time of departure: 25 pounds
Backpack weight at time of return: 30 poundsItems sent home via mail: 1 small box sent Jan. 29 via air to Toronto
Number of times people commented on how light I traveled: I lost countNumber of times I had to repack my bag after a hostel/friend's place: easily over 50 times
Times I checked my luggage for a flight: 8Number of times my luggage was lost: zero --- yayyy!!!
I didn't lose my backpack once although the thought did cross my mind many times when I sent it through on the black conveyor belt, hoping it would be there to meet me at the other end. The only time I was separated from it was actually on the return flight from Vancouver to Toronto. I was lucky enough to jump on an earlier flight but my pack was sent on the original 9am flight to T.O. It wasn't waiting for me when I arrived back home at Pearson and for the first time, I felt worried like a huge chunk of me was missing. It was. My bag had gone everywhere with me. The Canadian flag on the back always displayed prominently and its entire contents my world completely. Luckily Air Canada tracked it and had it delivered to my house in Toronto that night.
I also have a few miscellaneous things I tracked for fun:
Number of movies I went to see: 4
Average cost for an adult to see a movie: $17/ticketNumber of days when I made it to a beach: over 30
Bottles of sunscreen I went through: 3 (spf30, then two spf15's)That is all!