I was also very lucky to have stumbled upon an accidental, 7-day, free gym membership only 1 block from Dane and Trish's. I saw a sign saying you could get a free trial workout if you bought a guest pass and went in to investigate. Luckily, the guy seemed to be partial to Canadians and when he found out I hadn't been to a gym in 2 months, he handed me the free pass at no expense. I don't know exactly how to interpret this gesture... ha.
I had a great workout on an actual elliptical!! - my first since 2009, and watched the Canadian Hockey Girls win their gold medals and sing as our flag rose up high in the Vancouver arena... woooo, go girls!
So, after my workout and after a few hours of primping, I was on the subway making my way through town like a real Sydneysider. I'm very familiar with the city now and knew exactly where to go. What a change from when I arrived here Dec. 30. I arrived a bit earlier at the Westin and wandered through the swanky lobby. It's a gorgeous hotel with 3 restaurants/bars, all packed with happy-hour celebrators.
Don came downstairs and met me in the lobby a few minutes past half-six and we went for a glass of wine in the hotel before heading to our restaurant. It was so great to see Don! We chatted non-stop, I found out all about his tour to Sydney and 'MEL'-bourne (the city name was a hit with Don), and he heard all about my travels.

Dinner consisted of a few appetizers, tuna and calamari, although they were called something much more elegant, and a delicious pasta dish we split. Dessert was decadent, a mousse-y, creamy, spongey thing that I'm not doing any justice to by explaining it this way. Don and I went for more margaritas by the pool afterwards and then headed out. I caught a cab home and by this time it was really late!
What a time. Thanks so much, Don, if you're reading this! You definitely made up for most of my living conditions these past few months. Although, I must say, I wouldn't trade in any of my hostel experiences for more places like Ucchello's. Don had a great point - that it's often more fun to live the way I've been living, instead of being waited on and taken care of everywhere you go. It's a treat for special occasions that keeps it special.
This morning I woke up late to a Saturday on Bondi. The weather is amazing. Not a cloud. My destination is the beach, then the gym, then home to get ready. Tonight, Dane's old roomie, Alana is having a house-warming party and EVERYONE is going. Can't wait! I bought a new dress to wear and am sooo excited to see my Sydneysiders again. Tomorrow I think I'll lie low and start my travels again on Monday. Well, gotta run catch the sun.
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