Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Discouver Vancouver

I left you off in Vancouver where I reunited with my sisto. We stayed in a hostel downtown and awoke the next day to catch a ferry to Nainamo. The next day we went to the Crow and Gate pub in Nanaimo, such a cool old English pub.

The visit was short and sweet, Kate and I headed back on the ferry the next day to check back into the hostel for one more night. But before that, I messaged my friend Brad McGoey to see where he was, as I knew he'd been traveling as well and might be in Vancouver. Sure enough, he was, so we all met for dinner, including Kate's friend Erin and her Kiwi boyfriend. It was a great impromptu reunion with them! Brad, Kate and I headed to an Irish pub downtown where a homeless man sketched our portraits and we shared a pitcher. Those were our last few hours in Vancouver before heading out to Hawaii.

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